Sunday, March 30, 2014

Why tourists willingly drop $5.5 billion a year (NOLA - Day 1)

We were up early.

The lemon tree (that's right folks, we have our own citrus tree!) is a local favorite for the miniature winged locals.  The tree burst with life at about 6:30, and we were happy to hear them.

We crossed the street to the neighborhood coffee shop and injected strong southern caffeine into our veins.

The Community Coffee shop across the street
After some strong brew and buttery croissant, we gathered our things and headed for the French Market.

What a treat!

If you haven't been, this should be on your bucket list.  Warm people, great food, sights, smells, sounds, the French Quarter (and especially the French Market on Sunday) has it all!

We truly enjoyed the bustle, warm weather, and French architecture.

And there is music EVERYWHERE!

After lunch - and a whole lote of walking, we decided to take a drive.  We went over to the lake (Pontchartrain) and drove to Mississippi.  It was lush, swampy, and really fun to see.  We listened to a James Lee Burke book (set in New Orleans) and had a relaxing time seeing the deep wouth.

We drove past AMAZING powder white sand beaches in Mississippi (and cannot figure out why thousands of people are not flocking here).  The beach front homes are the most beautiful we've ever seen.  Stately, not gaudy like Miami or wierd like California, just - southern.  Love this architecture!

We were treated to a beautiful sunset as we drove back over the lake into New Orleans.

We ended our long day on Bourbon street (loud and crazy for sure) and then headed back to our quaint cottage for bed.

What a great day!

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