Monday, August 3, 2020

COVID Summer Vacation

It has been a couple of years since we posted on this site.  That is not because we haven’t travelled (we have) but things got chaotic and I retired and took a new job in Washington State (well, Marci did too 😊).

We now live in Yakima, WA and Marci’s dad lives with us in a 100 year old adorable house. We are thrilled and have started meandering again.  Next year we plan to cross the pond to Ireland and are thinking that we will wander around Morocco the year after that.

But for now, COVID-19 has changed everything.  Hopefully someday we will look back and read this and say, “That’s right - you couldn’t even eat in a restaurant!”

So, we chose Idaho for a week.  Most everything is “open” so we went for camping where there is some freedom.

The drive is about six hours with our camper.  But it was nasty dirty (from being stored in a field with no means of rinsing it) and I was worried that the campground host would think we were dirty nomads—- so we stopped in Ellensburg, WA at a truck wash to clean up.  My my...

Ellensburg is a quiet farming community in central Washington.  It sits at the intersection of I-90 and I-84, but is not widely known as a globally diverse hotspot.  And then you pull into Cascade truck and RV wash and see five jovial Sikhs - ready to ungrime your rig.

Through not fully proficient in English (and my rusty Punjabi) we used hand signals to negotiate the transaction and service.  Twenty minutes later (after a Punjabi butt chewing by the boss to a washer when one side of our camper was not quite clean) I happily paid the fee and set out for a week’s relaxation in Idaho (where you can still order a draft 🍺).

Tuhada dhanvada!  

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